Domain and Webhotel

Domain & Webhotel
Hosted CMS
Hosted Server
Virtual Server
Co-location Hosted Disk / FTP
Hosted SQL
VMware Cloud
Remote Backup
Tivoli Storage Manager
Hosted Spam Filter
Hosted Shop
Payment system
SMS Gateway
SMS 1919
Loyalty Manager
Hosted Exchange
Hosted C5
ComputerArts data center servers
ComputerArts data center servers

With us, we run and maintain our own state-of-the-art data center daily. The center is the foundation of our business as it highlights the possibility of offering hosted, cloud and server solutions of an extremely high and competitive caliber.
The market for hosted services and server solutions is on the go, and most companies will probably end up with solutions in the cloud, a server in a foreign data center or outsourcing all or part of their IT infrastructure. The reason for this is, among other things, that the quality requirements for corporate IT are gradually so high that it requires too many resources to update and maintain hardware and systems internally in the company – both economically and temporally.
Before a customer can satisfy himself with a hosted solution, it is imperative that he feel comfortable with the idea that daily operations, overall responsibility and ongoing maintenance of his servers and applications are handled by a third party. In our view, this security need can only be met when, on the part of the supplier, we have established a transparent transparency of their hosting environment and IT infrastructure.
In this connection, we have identified 4 key factors that are directly linked to the satisfaction of customers using coughed solutions: Security,
Stability, Speed and Customer Service. The first 3 is based solely on the quality of the data center, why the goal of any data center must and should be to raise and optimise the level of these particular factors.
This presentation will try to provide an overview and insight into how we as a hosting partner can secure you as a consumer, with fast, secure and stable coughed solutions.

The entire network is redundant, which means that wherever there is a problem, everything else might not be felt by customers.
All customers are shielded from each other, which means that if a single hosted solution occurs, the remaining customers on the same server will not be affected.
Backups of all data, both in the data center and at a secondary location, are also backed up and physically located more than 1 km away.
to the satisfaction of customers using coughed solutions: Security,
Stability, Speed and Customer Service. The first 3 is based solely on the quality of the data center, why the goal of any data center must and should be to raise and optimise the level of these particular factors.
This presentation will try to provide an overview and insight into how we as a hosting partner can secure you as a consumer, with fast, secure and stable coughed solutions.